Independent Software Testing Services - DeviQA
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Independent Software Testing Services

Don't gamble on reputation. Mitigate risks with independent software testing.




Years of experience


Software QA engineers


Integrations into an existing development & testing process


Projects tested from scratch


Reviews on

By delegating your testing process to an independent testing team, you can enjoy extensive expertise, reduced testing costs, decreased risks, and increased flexibility. DeviQA is your reliable partner for comprehensive QA services, helping you deliver high-quality software while speeding up your release schedules. Leveraging our extensive knowledge across diverse domains including Healthcare, FinTech, Real Estate, Cybersecurity, Retail, and AdTech and others, we are enthusiastic advocates of adopting an integrated approach and implementing complex solutions based on industry best practices.

When should you turn to independent software testing services?

You have to ensure regulatory compliance and independent software testing is required by law.

You outsource certain or all development functions and must assess the quality of your vendor's work.

You work in a high-risk domain, like life-critical software or financial derivatives, and require unbiased testing to address domain-specific risks.

You have a complex technical environment with various technologies, including advanced ones like big data, IoT, and AI, making testing your system challenging.

Your project involves distributed teams working on various system components and an independent testing team is needed to verify the entire system.

Delivering quality for modern mobile, web, and IoT solutions

Insufficient software testing directly translates to lost revenue and a damaged brand reputation. Our full-cycle testing company is here to assist you in launching remarkable web, mobile, and IoT solutions while managing every aspect of their development. Leveraging rich expertise, advanced testing tools, and modern QA techniques, our team ensures the in-time delivery of high-quality digital products.

Around 40% of users abandon web applications after encountering a critical issue. We're here to safeguard your users from such unpleasant experiences.

We execute a multitude of tests to ensure exceptional usability, high performance, robust security, and regulatory compliance. Testing is carried out on a wide range of devices and browsers to ensure flawless software operation, irrespective of the environment.

More about Web testing services

38% of users uninstall a mobile application once they face a serious issue or experience a system crash. The DeviQA team is on a mission to prevent your users from having a poor experience with your applications.

To ensure the success of your mobile app, we execute holistic testing that covers usability, performance, security, regulatory compliance, and compatibility across diverse mobile devices. Whether you develop an iOS or Android app, we carefully consider the unique attributes and native elements in the course of testing.

More about Mobile testing services

72% of wearables have post-release issues. This affects users’ trust, results in negative reviews, and decreases revenue.

Our comprehensive IoT testing services put your app through a variety of tests, carefully checking functionality, security, scalability, usability, and other aspects. We identify potential issues and enable you to fix them before they become real-world problems, saving you time, money, and reputation.

More about IoT testing services

Independent Software Testing Types We Perform

DeviQA covers all QA aspects as a part of the outsourcing testing strategy, whether it pertains to mobile or web applications across iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. Our comprehensive software testing approach encompasses functional and non-functional testing, alongside various other testing techniques.

Manual Testing

Do not give bugs a chance to sneak into production by engaging our manual testers. They meticulously inspect software by mimicking user actions, which lets them uncover glitches, usability issues, UI bugs, etc. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive quality assessment through real interaction with a software product.

Automation Testing

Speed up your QA process and improve its efficiency by automating repetitive testing tasks. Our automation testing solutions aim will reduce human error, accelerate testing cycles, and increase the overall productivity of a team ensuring your software is thoroughly checked.

Functional Testing

We can help you make sure every functionality or feature of your app works smoothly. Our goal is to check whether the software performs as intended and to deliver a seamless user experience, by detecting and addressing functionality issues.

Performance Testing

Our experts assess software's speed, scalability, and stability under different loads. This way we can optimize your application's performance, ensuring it can handle high user traffic without disruptions.

Load Testing

Evaluate your software's ability to withstand heavy user loads. We can help you uncover performance bottlenecks, ensuring your application can handle peak traffic without slowdowns or crashes.

Regression Testing

To be confident that code updates have not introduced new bugs, we create a regression testing suite and execute it regularly. Our aim is to maintain software stability and quality by ensuring that changes haven’t negatively impacted existing functionality.

Sanity Testing

Sanity testing is a quick check executed to ensure that no issues arise in the new functionalities, code changes, and bug fixes. It is performed on a stable software build and focuses on specific areas of the added functionalities instead of checking a whole application.

Smoke Testing

Smoke testing is an initial assessment of a new software build verifying that all the critical functionalities are operational. It ensures the software is stable for more extensive testing phases and acts as a safeguard against major flaws progressing into later stages.

Usability Testing

Assess the user-friendliness of your software by putting it in the hands of real users. Our goal is to improve the user experience, eliminate usability issues, and increase user satisfaction and loyalty.

Integration Testing

Verify that software components work seamlessly together. Our QA experts can ensure successful integration, prevent operational disruptions, and guarantee the cohesiveness and harmony of the software ecosystem.

Compatibility Testing

It is essential to ensure smooth software work across various environments. We are at your service to help you identify and address compatibility issues, allowing your application to meet the needs of users whatever devices, platforms, or browsers they use.

Localization Testing

Our expert team guarantees smooth software adaptation to diverse regions and languages, evaluating cultural alignment, linguistic precision, and functionality in various locales. This is essential for expanding into global markets, akin to performance testing, which enhances your software's overall performance.

Independent Software Testing Services We Offer

Continuous testing during the whole app life cycle

We understand that your applications are continuously evolving, with new features and updates being rolled out regularly. Our team of skilled testers ensures that your apps are thoroughly checked and validated at every stage. From development to post-launch maintenance, we are here to maintain the quality of your software.

Continuous testing during SDLC

Quality assurance should never be an afterthought. By incorporating testing at every phase of the software development life cycle, you can catch and address issues early on, minimizing the cost and effort required for bug-fixing later in the process. This approach fosters a culture of quality from the inception of your project, ensuring that your software is delivered on time, within budget, and with superior quality.

Project-based testing

Whether you're launching a new application or need to assess the quality of your existing software, our team of experts will conduct in-depth testing to uncover security vulnerabilities, functional bugs, performance issues, and usability problems. With our one-time testing services, you'll receive a comprehensive report highlighting areas for improvement.

The Scope of Our Expertise

By types of software:

Mobile app testing

Web app testing

By approach to testing:

Manual testing

Automated testing

By levels of testing:

Integration testing

System testing

Acceptance testing

By types of testing:

Functional testing

Compatibility testing

Performance testing

Security testing

Usability testing

Localization testing

Exploratory testing

Regression testing

Release testing

Collaboration on your terms

We provide three versatile and convenient engagement models. Share your business goals and project needs with us, and we'll assist you in selecting the most appropriate one.

Staff Augmentation

Optimal for projects of any complexity and scale.

Forget about the time-consuming recruiting process and quickly bring in required experts with staff augmentation! This is an excellent choice for projects where an in-house team needs to be reinforced with additional experts possessing specific expertise and skills. You simply provide your requirements, and we'll deliver the ideal candidate for this position.

  • Immediate talent availability with a swift onboarding process

  • Direct control over the augmented staff throughout the project

  • Transparent cost policy and reduced labor expenses

  • No need for infrastructure or administrative investments

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Dedicated Team

Optimal for mid-size and enterprise projects and business growth initiatives.

Get a fully equipped team of professionals (including a Test manager, Test Architect, Test Analyst, Team Lead, QC Engineer, and QA Engineer) that you can easily scale as your project evolves. You retain complete control over your team size, development process, project scope, and deadlines.

  • Reliable budget estimation and straightforward cost monitoring

  • Commitment and responsibility of a dedicated team

  • Customizable project oversight

  • Quick adjustment of resources and easy replacement options

Get started

Time and Material

Optimal for complicated, long-term projects with unclear requirements.

Enjoy remarkable adaptability, allowing you to respond to market shifts by making instant adjustments to project requirements at any stage of development. With each iteration, you receive a functional version of your solution, and you have the option to terminate the contract whenever you are content with the results.

  • Adaptable process and reliable cost planning

  • Significant flexibility and risk-averse change management

  • Applicable at any stage of the software development life cycle

  • High control over requirements and work scope

Get started

Partner with DeviQA: see the difference

Test coverage :



2.5 weeks to run regression testing

1 day to run regression testing

7 days to run smoke testing

1 day to run smoke testing

Outdated test cases

60% increase in the number of regression tests and relevant test cases

50% test coverage

90% test coverage

Supported localizations were not tested

27 localizations supported by QA engineers

No automation testing

>1500 automated test scenarios created

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Dev capacity:



Didn’t have a formal QA process

Built smooth and well-working processes

Didn’t make automated testing

Test automation : smoke, API, UI on all supported browsers

Testing was carried out by the devs

Full coverage of the application by test cases

Read Story

Test coverage :



Existing workflow in Jira didn’t allow to understand how many bugs were left unfixed before the release and their priorities

Adjusted the Jira workflow, integrated TestRail with Jira to be able to see statisticls of the issues per release

The lack of test documentation

Developed necessary test artifacts that adhere to industry standards and are easily maintainable

No Automation test coverage

Added multithreading to run tests in parallel on 10 different threads, which reduced the time of the test run in 7 times

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We serve

Our expertise and resources allow us to cover the unique needs of each project, ensuring the delivery of top-notch software that meets your requirements and business goals.

Book a call to get instant access to a global pool of testing expertise to bridge the gap for flawless product

Here’s what people are saying about DeviQA


It was so easy to integrate your people with us and we didn't have any problems.

Janosch Greber

VP of Engineering at RealTyme

DeviQA did an excellent job, and I highly recommend them.

DeviQA helped develop a cybersecurity software platform. Complex automated scenarios test REST APIs through a Faraday library. An SDK application works with Azure, Google Cloud, Docker, and LXC containers.

Yuval Or

QA Manager at Mimecast

Open details

Devico has always brought us really high quality candidates for us to be able to seamlessly mesh into our team.

Danny He

CEO and Founder at Soapbox


QA tools & platforms we hold expertise in

Automation Testing






Robot Framework









Security Testing Tools

HCL AppScan













Performance Testing Tools


Load Runner

Visual Studio


API Testing

Rest API



Bluetooth Low Energy API

Apple Pay

Google Pay

Apple Maps

Fingerprint API

API Testing Tools



Charles Proxy

Ready API


Katalon Platform


Database Testing

SQL Server







Amazon S3



Amazon RDS




Amazon EC2


Azure Datalake

Blob Storage


SQL Database

Synapse Analytics

Google Cloud SQL

Google Cloud Datastore

What you get

Average time saved by implementing our multithreaded test automation


Reduction in your costs by using outsourced software testing


Improvement in time to market for your products and projects


Accelerate development by


Increase test coverage to


Enhancing project quality by


Feel the improvement in

3 days

Reduce bugs up to


Automation faster in parallel by



DeviQA is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company

ISO 9001:2015

At DeviQA, we take pride in being an ISO 9001:2015 certified company. This certification represents our unwavering commitment to maintaining the highest standards of quality in every aspect of our software testing services. With a focus on customer satisfaction, we adhere to internationally recognized quality management practices to ensure that our clients receive exceptional and reliable testing solutions. Through continuous improvement and compliance with regulatory requirements, we consistently deliver top-notch testing services that exceed our clients' expectations

DeviQA is an ISO 20000 Certified Company

ISO 20000

We understand the crucial role of IT services in modern businesses. As an ISO 20000 certified company, we excel in delivering efficient and effective IT services to our clients. Our customer-centric approach enables us to tailor our testing solutions to suit your unique requirements, ensuring a seamless integration of testing processes into your software development lifecycle. With a focus on continual service improvement, we optimize our IT Service Management practices to guarantee a smooth and satisfying experience for our valued clients

DeviQA is an ISO 27001 Certified Company

ISO 27001

The security of our clients' data is of paramount importance to us. As an ISO 27001 certified company, we go above and beyond to protect sensitive information and ensure the confidentiality and integrity of all data entrusted to us. With our robust Information Security Management System (ISMS), we implement stringent security controls, evaluate risks, and take proactive measures to safeguard against potential threats. Rest assured that partnering with us means your valuable data is handled with the utmost care and subject to the highest security standards

DeviQA is an ISTQB Certified Company


As a testament to our team's expertise and commitment to excellence, our software testing professionals hold the esteemed ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualifications Board) certifications. The ISTQB certification is a globally recognized standard for software testing professionals, signifying their proficiency in the latest testing methodologies, best practices, and industry standards. With ISTQB-certified experts on board, we bring a wealth of knowledge and skills to every testing project, ensuring thorough and precise testing to uncover even the most intricate software defects. Partner with us and benefit from our skilled ISTQB-certified professionals who are dedicated to elevating the quality and reliability of your software products

Awards and recognitions

Top B2B Company by Clutch in 2022
Top 1000 Companies by Clutch in 2022
Leading Testing Provider by SoftwareTestingNews in 2021
Top Software Testing and QA Company by Superbcompanies in 2023
Finalist of the European Testing Awards in 2019
Finalist of the Software Testing & QA Awards in 2019

Collaboration process overview

1. Initial contact

During our initial call, we aim to understand your testing requirements and goals

2. Assessment

We evaluate your current testing process and create a tailored plan to enhance it

3. Proof of Concept

We offer a complimentary Proof of Concept, allowing you to experience our proficiency and expertise

4. Trial and evaluation of performance

We start a trial period with you, and once complete, we review the results together and discuss options

5. Contract signing and full-scale QA implementation

Upon mutual agreement, we move forward with the QA process by signing a contract and beginning work

6. Partnership with flexibility

Our engagement options give you commercial flexibility to dial up and dial down resources depending on your own needs

Let’s schedule a call

Flexible collaboration options allow you to choose the level of support that best meets your needs

Frequently Asked Questions



Independent testing provides an unbiased assessment of the software's quality, uncovering issues that may not be apparent to a development team. It ensures the software meets quality standards, complies with requirements, and provides an excellent user experience.

    Some key benefits include:

    1. Unbiased software assessment.
    2. Improved software quality.
    3. Enhanced user satisfaction.
    4. Reduced number of post-release defects.
    5. Cost-effectiveness.
    6. Compliance with industry standards.

    There are no restrictions. Independent software testing can be introduced at any stage of the software development lifecycle. Still, the earlier it is performed, the more opportunities you have to catch bugs earlier and therefore save your time and money.

      Independent testing is carried out by external QA teams, while in-house testing is performed by internal team members. The key difference is the impartiality and objectivity of independent testing.