DevOps Outsourcing Services | DeviQA
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DevOps Outsourcing Services

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Outsourced DevOps Consulting Services

Change is all around us. Development technologies and an approach to software development and management are rapidly changing. IT specialists all over the world are actively searching for new ways to make the software development process faster and more efficient. Currently, implementation of DevOps practices is what you need to set up a well-managed IT infrastructure, automate important workflows, and provide super-fast delivery of new features, updates, and fixes while being completely confident in the top-notch quality of a software product.

By outsourcing DevOps services, startups and well-established businesses can rapidly implement lightning-fast product delivery and efficient management.

DeviQA has rich experience in rendering DevOps consulting services. Our highly-skilled DevOps consultants know everything about the best DevOps practices and leverage advanced DevOps tools to design, implement, and efficiently manage IT infrastructure along with continuous integration, continuous testing, continuous delivery, etc. Moreover, we clearly understand that every project is unique therefore, our professional DevOps team always establishes a software delivery process that perfectly meets your organizational requirements.

If you have growing concerns about the below mentioned things, then do not hesitate to engage our DevOps consultants:

Not adjusted to each other configurations of development, testing, and production environments;

An extremely time-incentive manual process of implementing new IT infrastructure;

Too slow infrastructure modification, bug fixing, and software update delivery;

Poor management and poor collaboration between your development team, your QA team, system operators, and other specialists that lead to slow product delivery and low product quality;

Time-consuming and inefficient QA process due to insufficient test automation.

Why implement DevOps practices

Quick deployment

Quick and frequent delivery of updates and new features, which is the key goal of DevOps, not only pleases customers and keeps them engaged but also helps a business to have a great competitive advantage.

Efficient work environment

DevOps services can help you to set up a stable, well-structured, and fine-tuned work environment improving the overall productivity of the team and product management.

Significant product quality improvement

DevOps consulting services help to automate and frequently repeat critical processes which, in turn, minimizes the risk of the human factor. The implementation of continuous testing and monitoring of the code also considerably contributes to the overall build quality.

Significant time- and cost-efficiency

The principles of the core DevOps practices suggest automation of the vast majority of tasks. This helps to gain higher productivity while engaging fewer resources and spending less time. Consequently, you can significantly reduce the team size and cut down expenses.

Faster problem solving

DevOps practices provide flexibility enabling the team quickly and easily settle any arising software development issues.

Continuous monitoring

DevOps engineers implement continuous monitoring to keep a close eye on the developed product and IT infrastructure to uncover blind spots and quickly settle all potential issues.

Our DevOps services


Continuous Integration and Delivery - Deploy your software as soon as it is ready.

Continuous integration and delivery is a usual practice for those who follow the Agile methodology. The purpose of continuous integration is to integrate all parts of software development, building, and testing in one automated pipeline. Once all stages of integration are successfully completed, your tested software is immediately deployed to a specific environment. By outsourcing DevOps services from DeviQA you will be able to take your software development to new levels of productivity, as our experts will set up a sturdy CI/CD pipeline using the leading tools.


Infrastructure as Code - Forget about manual configuration and enforce consistency.

Infrastructure as code is an important component of continuous delivery that suggests the management and provision of infrastructure by means of code. DevOps engineers create configuration files that define and deploy virtual machines, networks, load balancers, and other components of your infrastructure. As a result, you can forget about the hassle of manual infrastructure configuration, be confident that the same environment is provided every time, and save a lot of time as you write code for your environment only once, and then hundreds of instances can be redeployed with a single click. It is worth noting that version control is crucial for IaC, and created configuration files should be under source control. Our DevOps consultants have worked on a wide range of projects, and they can assist you to shift from the traditional approach to infrastructure as a code. Rest assured that we can make your infrastructure management maximum painless.


Container Management - Improve your resource efficiency.

Apply for our DevOps consultancy services to adopt containerization which is a modern approach to software architecture. It entails placing together a software code along with all essential components like libs, frameworks, and other dependencies into an isolated space called a ‘container’. Code within a such container can be moved and run consistently in any environment and on any infrastructure. Container management helps to get better software scalability and stability, quickly and easily make changes, and optimize costs.


Blue-Green Deployment - Reduce the risk of downtime during new deployments.

The main idea of blue-green deployment is to reduce the risk of downtime in case a deployment fails. According to this deployment strategy, two separate but identical environments are created. One of them, the blue one, is used for the current software version and another one, which is green, is used for the new application version.

Once testing of a new software version is completed on the green environment, live traffic is directed to the green environment while the blue one gets deprecated. If something unexpected happens in the green environment, then traffic can be easily switched back to the blue one to roll back changes. Sounds great, doesn’t it? DevOps outsourcing from DeviQA can help you take advantage of blue-green deployment and other helpful DevOps practices.


Process Automation - Automate repeated processes to immensely accelerate software development.

Repeated activities should always be considered for automation. Infrastructure management, software testing, and deployment are no exceptions as well. It makes no sense to perform the same actions several times a day. With DevOps automation, you can save a considerable amount of time and effort and reduce the human factor during infrastructure setup and software testing or deployment.


Continuous Monitoring - Detect issues on the fly and measure everything that matters.

Advanced monitoring tools can help you to identify potential problems in your software and infrastructure, track important metrics, detect performance issues and security flaws, and respond to them quickly. Continuous monitoring is a great way to have everything under control and mitigate possible risks in a timely manner.


DevSecOps - Ensure rock-solid security

DevSecOps implies security integration into corporate culture, infrastructure, automation, and platform design in order to establish a shared security responsibility throughout the whole software development lifecycle. If you would like to be sure that every deployed build is in line with the highest security standards, our Dev Ops consulting services are just what you need.


Continuous Testing - Do not give bugs even the slightest chance to sneak into production.

Quality is the way to success. Our DevOps and QA specialists can assist you to establish a robust automated testing process and integrate it into your CI/CD pipeline. With continuous testing, you can be sure that your software is tested early, frequently, and throughout the whole development process.


DevOps Consulting - Take full advantage of our rich expertise in DevOps

As a trusted provider of top-notch DevOps consulting services, we can advise you on the most relevant DevOps practices for you, draw up a plan and strategy for DevOps practices implementation, audit your current IT infrastructure, and come up with the best solutions for any DevOps-related challenge. Our DevOps consultation is what you really need to gain success.

Order our Devops consulting services.

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DevOps outsourcing workflow at DeviQA:

Definition of DevOps goals

We set up a kickoff meeting to discuss your DevOps needs, goals, and expectations.

Client infrastructure analysis

Our DevOps experts carefully analyze your current workflows, IT infrastructure, and resources as well as identify challenges, constraints, and capabilities.

Design of deployment and infrastructure plans

We create a roadmap for optimizing processes, integrating solid security mechanisms, building fully automated infrastructure, and tracking key metrics.

DevOps plan implementation

Now we move to the active phase. The DevOps team works on setting up IT infrastructure and versioning environment, introducing automation, and implementing DevOps practices. Beyond that, our experts also upskill and instruct the rest of your project team on the DevOps peculiarities and used tools.

Infrastructure testing

As soon as the environment is set up and automation is implemented, we get down to testing all the flows to ensure that everything works as expected. If certain gaps are detected, we quickly find suitable technology solutions.


DeviQA offers continuous technical support and maintenance of your IT infrastructure. Our experts will mentor your DevOps practitioners, provide DevOps consultation, and regularly update your infrastructure optimization plan to let you have continuously improved operations.

Frameworks, Tools and Solutions


Circle CI



Travis CI


Google Cloud


Digital Ocean












Why Choose DeviQA For DevOps Consulting Services?


Access to highly skilled and seasoned DevOps engineers

By hiring our DevOps specialists you engage brilliant professionals who empower their rich expertise to let you gain fantastic results in software development.


Affordable DevOps consulting services

DeviQA offers DevOps services of exceptional quality at affordable prices. The thing is that we are located in Eastern Europe which gives you an opportunity to outsource DevOps services at lower rates compared to those in the US, Canada, or Western Europe.


Focus on the project requirements

We design DevOps strategy on the ground of your project requirements and available resources. Consequently, you receive a tailor-made solution meeting your needs and capabilities.


Hands-on experience with the leading DevOps tools

Our DevOps engineers use a great variety of the most diverse DevOps tools. As a result, they can find the most suitable technology solution for your project.


Keeping up with modern DevOps trends and the best DevOps practices

Our DevOps team has in-depth knowledge and rich expertise. However, it never stops gaining new insights and skills.


Transparent and efficient communication

From the outsets, we strive to establish efficient communication in order to keep all parties on the same page and quickly share important information and knowledge.


Wide range of DevOps services

DeviQA offers a rich set of DevOps services to cover all needs that our clients may have.

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